Wir stellen Ihnen Spiele vor, die sozusagen Geschichte sind:
Cilivisation von Sid Meier ist ein Klassiker unter den runden basierten
Strategiespielen. Seit einiger Zeit hat sich ein Team von Programmieren
und Civilisation-Fans daran gemacht, einen freien Clone dieses Klassikers
zu konstruieren. Seit dem 14.11.1995 wird dieses Vorhaben ständig
weitergetrieben - das Ergebnis ist beeindruckend. Lassen Sie sich von der
Such nach Civilisation erfassen!
Screenshots (von
First screenshot from a demo game.
Early in the game : default map size (80x50) with several AI.
Internationalized in french, with the gtk+ client and Window Maker, using
the "go to" fonctionnality. Submitted by:
Mathieu ROY
Screenshot from a demo game.
Demo game : default map size (80x50) with no AI.
Internationalized in Italian, with the gtk+ client and Kde. Submitted by:
P. Sammicheli
A game against 4 AI (everyone in "normal") (1/4)
Usual kind of map (80x50, landmass 40%), internationalized in french, with the gtk+ client and Window Maker, on this one, we see my own start location, an isle widy well settled :) Submitted by:
Mathieu ROY
A game against 4 AI (2/4)
On this one, we've got the demography windows and war scene. Submitted by:
Mathieu ROY
A game against 4 AI (3/4)
Huh ! There's the effect of massive use of nuclear weapon (this was just a test)... There's more desert on the planet :(( Submitted by:
Mathieu ROY
A game against 4 AI (4/4)
Finaly the end of the game, every cities on the map got the Senatus PopulusQue Romanus flag... Submitted by:
Mathieu ROY
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